My thoughts about...Love Alarm

by - Thursday, October 31, 2019

My reasons to watch Love Alarm: One, Kim So-Hyun is one of my favorite Korean actresses. Two, the fresh concept of the drama about an app that tells you when someone in a radius close to you has a crush on you and vice-versa (I mean I'm terrible at love so yes I would get the app to help me).

(Beware some Spoilers)

Season 1

  • The soundtrack and the whole aesthetic of the drama are so pretty. The way they portrayed the app visually is simple yet it gives the drama the perfect atmosphere and the songs are so good and make you feel nice and fuzzy inside.
  • Oh the old Cinderella story. The introduction of the app concept does manage to make it a bit different but still, we have been here already too many times with all the same characters tropes. 
  • Kim Jojo's backstory is interesting, especially for the way they slowly show it to us and how it affects her current decisions. 
  • I'm not so into Hwang Sun-oh as a lot of fans seem to be. His relationship with Kim Jojo is so fast (seriously you have just met and there's already a kiss? now that's something that so does not happen in kdramas). I admit he has his moments but he acts too much like a spoiled kid it was hard for me to warm-up to him.
  • So going into a Netflix kdrama, I already know that they don't have the same production of regular dramas. They usually have great actors but let's be real, they just aren't developed as well as the regular kdramas. And you can't help to be reminded of it as you watch it (and of putting any expectations locked in a drawer because is either that or yell at the screen of frustration). Here is the thing, Netflix hasn't understood that series and kdramas can't follow the same formulas they like putting so much in their original content, for me the ones I'm not ok in kdramas are the episodes number and the cliffhanger ending. When I got to the 8th episode I was so frustrated surprised to find out it was the end of the season (seriously 8 freaking episodes!) and unfortunately, I did felt stolen that the story isn't complete and I just hate cliffhangers ok? 
I loved how the concept of the app is developed and explored (though how it works doesn't have logic, I just go with it because who knows if technology could make something like that in the future) as it makes you think about how it would be like in the real world. The drama sh
ows us the implications it could have in society and in our lives, but most than anything, it makes you think how dependent we are of technology, even of things we could do without it, like telling people your feelings towards them.

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