My thoughts about... When the weather is nice

by - Saturday, February 06, 2021

y the end of 2020 I needed vacations desperately. As I scrolled through the kdramas to decide which one I'll watch during those days I realized I needed one that let me escape from thinking about anything work-related (have you seen how many kdramas are settled in an office?) But then I found one with the perfect ingredients: a bookstore, a little town, a love from the past. Bum! just what I was looking for.

(Beware some Spoilers)

  • As I mentioned I wanted needed a gateway in the form of a kdrama. Just like the protagonist Hae Won, I felt myself healing as I watched this drama. 
  • The scenarios, the slow rhythm of the town reminded me the feeling of peace a lot of the Ghibli movies give to me. Through the drama we see a lot of scenes of the town community, from their everyday lives to the events they organize where everyone is involved. I wish a place like that existed so I could move there.
  • When I read in the synopsis the word "bookstore" I said, this is totally for me. As if that wasn't enough to win my heart the Goodnight bookstore host a book club. People talking about books OMG I'm melting! We get to know a little about the lives of each of the members which are very interesting mix of ages and personalities. I also found out that this is an adaptation of a book and I'm just over the moon *praying for a translation*.
  • The backstories of the characters are slowly told through the drama in such a perfect way. Especially for Hae Won's mother and aunt it was important to see their story unfold this way. I cried when it was revealed what had happened to them.
  • I love a good love from the past returning to the present. Because you get two storylines in one and because they portray second chance love.
  • Eun Seob is a complicated character.Not only because of his backstory (which is already unexpected in a good way) but also in his personality. I'm an introvert too and can relate to him since we both find it easier to write our emotions and thoughts or show them in our actions rather than to say them out loud but I still struggled to understand him sometimes I was like boy, wake up! she's already making it easy for you.

I'll Go To You When The Weather Is Nice (When the Weather Is Fine) was like was catered to me, with all the things I love and needed that I just can't believe my luck that I found this kdrama at exactly the right time. It felt like going somewhere to heal.

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