Emerald Green Movie Review

by - Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Let's start by saying what a lot of us think when the movie begins: “I read the book so many years ago I don’t remember much!” But I do remember enough to say that a lot of things were changed. In the first movie I didn't mind, in the second I was kind of angry and in this one I just kept rolling my eyes. Honestly I only watched because I didn’t wanted to leave it unfinished. Was I hoping it would get better? A tiny part of me still was. But when it didn’t, I wasn’t surprised. The whole thing went downhill more and more and I just wanted it to be over soon.

In this one, Gwen becomes a Mary Sue, super powerful and can do anything, a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g. Seriously, here's the list of Gwendolyn's evolution (in just one movie):
  1. She can now she travel through time whenever she wants without the chronograph
  2. She goes in a karate kid camp sort of thing with her (real) dad so now she can fight!
  3. She is freaking immortal.  Is so ridiculous! I know, I know, in the book she is inmortal too but in the movie she becomes invincible, and like things happen to be so convinient for her to defeat the Conde that it was no longer interesting. 
Oh, and where is Gwen’s family btw, including her grandfather Lucas? The cast was reduced quite drastically. 

I'm really sad because is one my favorite trilogies, and although the first movie was very different from the book, I really enjoyed it and was looking for the next ones.

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